Iron Siegeworks Rep and Epics (Iron Scraps Too!)

This profile farms all of the level 100 mobs in the Iron Siegeworks. It will farm Frostwolf Orc reputation, Iron Scraps, BoE epic world drops, greens and lots and lots of gold from the mobs. I run this on my 593 ilvl BM Hunter 100% AFK with no issues. I would not recommend this ilvl unless you have a BM Hunter. The mobs spawn quickly and the area may be under high traffic when the Apexis quest daily is active so be on alert.

Start the profile anywhere in Draenor and it will fly you to the right location.

Faction: Horde (but can be ran alliance for epics and gold)
Level: 100
Botbase: Questbot
Traffic: High because of Apexis questing so be aware!
Repair: It should fly to the closest repair vendor then fly back It's set to only sell greys because the price of dust is so good right now.
No mailbox because there is not one anywhere near the area. use big bags if running over night or AFK.

Report your results and feel free to ask any questions!

For those who want to donate click below thanks! This profile is free though!


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