Lost Veil Anzu Rep and Epics

This profile farms level 100 mobs in Lost Veil Anzu between Spires of Arak and Shadowmoon Valley. With this profile you will get Primal Spirits, Apexis Crystals, BoE Epics, greens, lots of trash gold and reputation with Arakkoa Outcast. This profile is like the holy grail of items people need. There are some rare spawns here but can be easily killed. once killed they don't respawn for several hours.

Other items of interest may be:

Cyclical Power Framing - Trading Post Part
Cyclical Power Converter - Trading Post Part
Ogre Waystone
Cloudcaller's Linked Belt
Knobbly Ancient's Tendril
Osseric's Ossified Chained

Many more epics I don't have time to list. All with a .08% drop.

Exalted rep will get you this mount

Faction: Horde (but can be ran alliance for epics and gold)
Level: 100
Botbase: Questbot
Traffic: Low/Medium
Repair: It should fly to the closest repair vendor then fly back It's set to only sell greys because the price of dust is so good right now.
Mailbox coming soon!

Report your results and feel free to ask any questions!

For those who want to donate click below thanks! This profile is free though!

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