[PB] Nat Pagle & Anglers Rep - 3 Rare Fish

I had a request a while back to make a profile that will fish for the 3 rare fish around Pandaria that give Nat Pagle reputation.  This profile will do that!  Get extra reputation with both Nat Pagle and The Anglers.  Check it out after the jump!
 Finally you can AFK the 3 rare fish needed for the extra reputation.  Just pop open the PB profile and let the bot do the work!

This profile will fish for the 3 rare fish that give extra reputation with Nat Pagle and The Anglers.  The 3 fish are Flying Tiger Gourami, Mimic Octopus and the Spinefish Alpha.

The profile uses ProfessionBuddy and AutoAngler so it is important that you have these two bot bases and up to date.  You can get them off my file system and they are free to use.

The bot will fly to each location and will fish until each fish is caught.  It will then fly to Nat Pagle and turn them in before finally stopping.

Purchase Here $10


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